Why Learn About Colored Diamonds?
Among the total diamond rough produced, only less than 2% naturally exhibit intense body color, which are the rough stones of colored diamonds. Furthermore, only one in ten thousand finished diamonds can reach the "colored diamond grade."
Colored diamond prices have increased year by year, with some even doubling in value within 5 to 6 years. Unique and rare colored diamonds can fetch prices exceeding US$1 million per carat.
As decorative and investment jewelry, the identification, evaluation, and grading system of colored diamonds is increasingly demanded by many. Even subtle color variations can significantly affect the price of the gemstone. Improving one's ability to independently judge diamond quality requires professionalism and authority to gain trust.
4 Key Features of the Course
Detailed Knowledge Granularity
Deep dive into the grading and evaluation parameters of colored diamonds, optimization treatments, and fundamental knowledge of synthetic and imitation identification.
Trace the origin of colored diamonds, understanding the latest mining status and rough auction trends in global colored diamond mines.
Grasp the frontline market dynamics, sharing insights on the supply chain, current inventory, and future supply capacity of major colored diamonds globally.
Comprehensive and Accurate Specimens
Multiple sets of colored diamond comparator stones, paired with the Gemewizard colored diamond color comparison system to analyze subtle color differences and their impact on price.
Over a hundred representative colored diamond specimens, combining theory with practice to build a colored diamond identification, grading, and evaluation framework from scratch.
Practical and Efficient Teaching
Introduction to the Gemewizard colored diamond grading and pricing system, providing pricing guidance based on real-time transaction data to facilitate transactions.
Enhance appreciation abilities for colored diamonds, enabling both sellers and consumers to quickly master the assessment of colored diamond quality and bargaining skills.
Cite numerous market cases, aligning with market trends, to present the most authentic colored diamond market scenario.
Professional Team Development
Jointly developed by Gemewizard and GUILD, covering all aspects of colored diamond color grading, quality assessment, and identification systems.
Instructed by teachers with extensive gemstone course teaching experience.
Provide one-on-one teaching assistance for timely question and answer sessions.
Course Outline
01 History and Legends of Colored Diamonds
Explore the rich history and intriguing legends surrounding colored diamonds.
02 Gemological Properties of Colored Diamonds
Understand the unique gemological characteristics of colored diamonds.
03 Synthesis and Optimization Treatments
Discuss methods of synthesizing and optimizing colored diamonds and their implications.
04 Quality Assessment System for Colored Diamonds
Composition of Colored Diamond Colors
Examine the components that contribute to the color of colored diamonds.
Color Evaluation System for Colored Diamonds
Learn about the standards and methods used to evaluate colored diamond colors.
Uniformity Evaluation of Colored Diamond Colors
Assess how evenly distributed colors impact the value of colored diamonds.
Common Cuts and Cutting Quality Evaluation
Explore the various cuts used for colored diamonds and their impact on appearance and value.
Carat Premium for Different Types of Colored Diamonds
Understand how different colored diamond categories have varying carat premiums.
Clarity Grade System and Its Impact on Value
Discuss the clarity grading system and how it affects the pricing of colored diamonds.
Gemewizard Colored Diamond Pricing System
Introduce the use of the Gemewizard system for pricing colored diamonds.
05 Individual Discussions on Colored Diamonds
Color Grading Systems for Various Colors
Yellow Diamonds, Pink Diamonds, Orange Diamonds, Purple Diamonds, Violet Diamonds, Blue Diamonds, Green Diamonds, and Brown Diamonds
Learn about the specific color grading systems for each type of colored diamond.
Interpretation of Argyle Mine Diamond Certificates
Understand the information and significance of Argyle mine diamond certificates.
Types of Chameleon Diamonds
Explore the unique characteristics of chameleon diamonds.
Introduction to Black Diamonds and Colored White Diamonds
Discover the distinctions and characteristics of black diamonds and colored white diamonds.
06 Colored Diamond Auctions and Market Trends
Differences Between White and Colored Diamond Transactions
Compare and contrast the buying and selling processes for white and colored diamonds.
Factors Influencing Price Differences Among Same Color Grade Colored Diamonds
Identify the variables that cause price variations among colored diamonds of the same color grade.
Procurement Risks of Colored Diamonds
Understand the potential risks involved in purchasing colored diamonds.
Overview of Colored Diamond Auctions Over the Years
Review significant colored diamond auctions and their impact on the market.
Applicable Groups
Colored diamond trading practitioners who hope to improve their sales abilities
Students who want to integrate theory with practice.
Consumers who don't want to fall into traps and hope to obtain their desired colored diamonds.
Gem appraisers who aim to further their knowledge.
Collectors, enthusiasts or connoisseurs of colored diamonds who want to improve their appreciation abilities.
Course Duration
Six days
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